Leading Service Provider of Electronic Component Procurement
Integrated Supplier Service
Cost-down Strategy
Shortage Sourcing
Excess Stock Solution
Who We Are
With 20 years of experience in the electronic component industry, Mogultech is committed to providing you with reliable procurement solutions, helping you reduce costs and increase efficiency through our global supply chain as well as our customized client service.
20 Years
Industry Experience
570 Million
Y2022 Revenue (USD)
30000 +
Cumulative End Customers
800 +
Deeply Engaged End Customers
10000 +
Active End Customers
Customers Ranked in Top 100 of Global EMS Enterprises
Mogultech is committed to providing you with the best quality of electronic component and fastest delivery services.
Integrated Supplier Service
Cost-down Strategy
Shortage Sourcing
Excess Stock Solution
Based on the vast supply chain network,Mogultech builds worldwide supplier resources, offers over 10 million SKUs, covering almost all electronic product lines and meeting the needs of various application areas.
Mogultech has established good partnerships with global electronic component manufacturers and distributors. Our products are widely used in major industries including industrial, automotive, telecommunications, consumer electronics and so on.
Comprehensive Supply Chain Service Capabilities
We have a standardized service team, over 30,000 end clients served, and over 10,000 active end customers.
Flexible and Diversified Procurement Capabilities
We provide sustainable procurement services, thanks to our procurement team of hundreds, over 10 million SKUs and are empowered by a big data system.
Excellent Quality Management and Logistics Services Capabilities
Full-process quality control through professional laboratories, high standard acceptance checks.
Outstanding Intelligence Insight Capabilities
We have a professional analyst team and share cutting-edge insights to aid in the development of the industrial chain.
Quality Assurance
Mogultech is a company with 20 years of experience in the electronic components industry. We have warehouses and quality control management centers both in Shenzhen and Hong Kong.
With professional laboratories and equipped quality control teams, we formed a scientific and reliable quality management system.
Electronic Components Sales Market Analysis and Forecast (Q1 2024)

Electronic Components Sales Market Analysis and Forecast (Q1 2024)

In Q1 2024, semiconductor sales and terminal order demand continued to rebound, and the industry's trend towards recovery became increasingly evident. Chip Insights believes that due to the cyclica...

Electronic Components Sales Market Analysis and Forecast (March  2024)

Electronic Components Sales Market Analysis and Forecast (March 2024)

In March, semiconductor sales and terminal order demand continued to rebound, and the industry's recovery trend became increasingly evident. Chip Insights believes that due to the cyclical characte...

Electronic Components Sales Market Analysis and Forecast  (February 2024)

Electronic Components Sales Market Analysis and Forecast (February 2024)

In February, as demand for consumer electronics and other end-use sectors experienced a moderate recovery, the delivery times and prices for automotive-grade chips saw a significant improvement, si...
